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Experiment with creating, editing, and querying tables from the comfort of the command line.

The @tableland/cli package is a developer tool to help you connect, create, write, and read from The comfort of your command line. It’s simple, easy to use, and integrates nicely with tools like jq. When interacting with the Tableland CLI, you can also specify your own provider endpoints for added control. Using the CLI, you can:

  • Connect to any of the chains that Tableland supports.
  • Create, write to, and read from tables.
  • Retrieve and set table controllers.
  • Leverage utility commands for retrieving other table related information.

See the CLI quickstart page if you’re looking to get up and running without all of the details.



You can install the CLI tool globally via npm or yarn.

npm install -g @tableland/cli@latest


The init command sets up a configuration file at /Users/$USER/.tablelandrc.json (or wherever you'd like to place it). This makes it easier to use the CLI such that it will look for privateKey, chain, and providerUrl values within this file. Alternatively, you can pass these values as flags (e.g., --privateKey abc123) for each command.

Generally, every command should have these values specified, except for the read command since it directly interacts with a Tableland validator without needing to go through a host chain. If you do not specify a privateKey or providerUrl, you will run into issues. There is a default value for the chain (maticmum), so it's fine to use the chain default if you are in fact developing on this chain.

Usage patterns

Most of the common Tableland usage patterns are possible via the command line. In general, you'll need to connect (to a host/provider), create a table (with a schema, using create), insert/mutate values (write), and query (read) a table. Developers can even retrieve all tables owned by a specific EVM address (using list). And for a full list of valid SQL statements used throughout these different commands, check out the SQL Specification’s statement types.

There also exists some useful commands for on-chain information. View Tableland’s live chain deployments & smart contract addresses (chains) or retrieve on-chain data from a create or write query (passing the transaction hash to receipt). Lastly, the corresponding token metadata about a table can also be requested (i.e., tables are on-chain as ERC721s — the minted table’s name can be passed to info).

Examples format

For many of the examples, the format <some_text_here> will be used to denote a value passed the developer. For example, in --private-key <private_key>, some private key abc123 would then be used as --private-key abc123.

Additionally, a table created with the prefix cli_demo_table should resemble something like cli_demo_table_31337_2, where 31337 is the specific chain and 2 is unique to the chain / table owner. This is the standard {prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId} format. Be sure to replace prefix, chainId, & tableId with your unique values.