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CLI commands

The Tableland CLI comes with purpose built commands, which slightly differs from the convention in other clients.

There are a number of commands available for interacting with Tableland. Each one has a specific set of required and optional arguments, plus various flags. Be sure to specify a providerUrl and privateKey for most commands, along with the desired host chain.

The general command format is as follows:

tableland <command> <arguments> [flags]



tableland chains: List information about supported chains.


tableland controller <subcommand>: Get, set, and lock the controller contract for a given table.

  • get <name> : Get the current controller address for a table.
  • set <controller> <name>: Set the controller address for a table.
  • lock <name>: Lock the controller address for a table.


tableland create <schema> [prefix]: Create a new table (prefix is optional).


tableland info <name>: Get info about a given table by name.


tableland init: Create a config file—including the chain, provider, private key, and table aliases filepath—which is automatically read when each command is executed (i.e., instead of passing flags each time).


tableland list <address>: List tables owned by an address.


tableland namespace <subdomain> <name>: Use ENS to namespace tables.

  • set <subdomain> <name>: Set the namespace with a subdomain mapped to a table.
  • get <namespace> : Get the table mapped to a namespace.


tableland read <statement>: Run a read-only query against a remote table.


tableland receipt <hash>: Get the receipt of a chain transaction to know if it was executed, and the execution details.


tableland schema <name>: Get info about a given table schema.


tableland shell [statement]: Interact with tableland via an interactive shell environment.


tableland transfer <name> <receiver>: Transfer a table to another address.


tableland write <statement>: Run a mutating SQL statement against a remote table.

Global flags

The Tableland CLI includes a number of global flags.


-h, --help: Show help.


-V, --version: Show version number.

Private Key

-k, --privateKey <private_key>: Private key string. Note: most commands, aside from read queries, will need to flag a --privateKey (or set the configuration variables with the init command).


-c, --chain <chain_name>: The EVM chain to target (default: maticmum).


  • sepolia (Ethereum Sepolia)
  • maticmum (Polygon Mumbai)
  • optimism-goerli (Optimism Goerli)
  • arbitrum-goerli (Arbitrum Goerli)
  • filecoin-calibration (Filecoin Calibration)


  • mainnet (Ethereum)
  • homestead (Ethereum)
  • matic (Polygon)
  • optimism (Optimism)
  • arbitrum (Arbitrum One)
  • arbitrum-nova (Arbitrum Nova)
  • filecoin (Filecoin)


  • localhost
  • local-tableland (Local Tableland)

Base URL

--baseUrl <url>: The URL of a Tableland validator.

Provider URL

-p, --providerUrl <url>: JSON RPC API provider URL (e.g.,

Table aliases

One helpful option to set during the init command or passed directly to any command is a JSON file stored table aliases to universally unique table names. All that's needed is a path to a JSON file. Creating a table will write an alias-to-name mapping, and subsequent table queries can make use of the alias instead of the full table name.

-a, --aliases <filepath>: Path to table aliases JSON file (e.g., ./tableland.aliases.json).


The following are the default options:

  • --chainmaticmum: Polygon Mumbai has been set as the default chain; any other chain names from the tableland chains command can be used.
  • --baseUrlhttp://localhost:8080: The default Tableland validator URL is on port 8080; a custom port can be set in a validator's configuration file, such as with Local Tableland or a full validator node.