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Use ENS to namespace tables.

tableland namespace <subcommand>

With namespaces, an ENS domain can map to one or more tables, allowing the ENS name to be used over the default Tableland table naming convention. You must specify the enableEnsExperiment flag, either in your .tablelandrc file or your flags. You must also specify an ensProviderUrl, which should use a provider for an ENS compatible testnet or mainnet. Your private key must correspond to the owner of the ENS domain or subdomain you are using.


ENS support is very experimental; long term support is not guaranteed!

set <domain> <subdomain>=<name>

To set your namespaces, you specify the ENS domain and the table name that a subdomain should point to. Note that one or more combinations of <subdomain>=<name> can be specified in a single command.

<domain>stringThe primary ENS domain.
<subdomain>stringThe subdomain that points to a table name.
<name>stringThe table's name.

get <namespace>

You can also get the table associated with a specific namespace. Here, the value for the namespace will be the full ENS string that includes the subdomain.

<namespace>stringThe namespace that maps to a specific table.


For example, perhaps you own and would like to add sumdomains for example and secondexample.

tableland namespace set example=my_table_31337_2 secondexample=my_other_table_31337_3

This will result in pointing to my_table_31337_2 and pointing to my_other_table_31337_3.

Then, to see a table associated with a namespace, you can you the get command.

tableland namespace get



Lastly, these names can then be used in queries by wrapping them in brackets. For example:

tableland read "select * from [];"