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Run a read-only query against a remote table.

tableland read <query>

Query against one or more tables and retrieve the associated data.

<query>stringThe SQL query statement.
--formatstringobjectsOutput format—either pretty, table, or objects.
--extractbooleanfalseReturns only the set of values of a single column, assuming the read statement also only specifies a single column.
--unwrapbooleanfalseReturns the results of a single row instead of array of results, assuming the read statement also only specifies a single row.

Note that for both --unwrap and --extract, the --chain must also be explicitly provided.


tableland read "SELECT * FROM cli_demo_table_80001_1285;"


"id": 0,
"name": "Bobby Tables"

If pretty is flagged, then the output is a "pretty" tabular view for a nice human-readable format.

tableland read "SELECT * FROM cli_demo_table_80001_1285;" --format pretty


(index)id │ name │
01'Bobby Tables'

Lastly, if you want the data to be returned as a "table" with rows and columns, use the table flag:

tableland read "SELECT * FROM cli_demo_table_80001_1285;" --format table


"columns": [
"name": "id"
"name": "name"
"rows": [[0, "Bobby Tables"]]

The unwrap flag will return a single row. In generaly, make sure to add limit 1 (or properly return one result) to avoid errors. Also, note the --chain must be explicitly specified.

tableland read "select * from healthbot_1_1 limit 1;" --unwrap --chain mainnet


"counter": 1

The extract command will give you the results of a single column. Make sure your query is only generating a single column in its response.

tableland read "select counter from healthbot_1_1;" --extract --chain mainnet



Using ENS


ENS support is very experimental; long term support is not guaranteed!

You must specify the enableEnsExperiment flag, either in your .tablelandrc file or your flags. You must also specify an ensProviderUrl, which should use a provider for an ENS compatible testnet or mainnet.

If an ENS text record has a record corresponding to a table, you can use it within a query by wrapping the namespace in brackets and treating it as the table's name:

tableland read "select * from [];"

See the namespace command for more details on how to add tables to ENS.

Using a table alias

If you create a table with a provided JSON file passed to the --aliases flag, a full table name ({prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}) is not needed. For example, if you have a file tableland.aliases.json with the following:

"example": "example_31337_2"

You can run the read command with the table alias.

tableland read "SELECT * FROM example;"