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Create a new table.

tableland create <schema> [prefix]

Pass either a table schema or full CREATE TABLE statement, thus, creating a Tableland table on the specified network and minting to the specified address. The global flags for --privateKey, --chain, and --providerUrl should also be included unless a config file has been created.

<schema>stringSQL table schema, or a full CREATE TABLE statement.

If you choose to pass a simple schema (columns, types, and constraints), then the --prefix option must also be passed. Alternatively, a full CREATE TABLE statement can be passed instead of a schema; in this case, the --prefix flag is not needed since the statement itself will define this information.

--prefixstring--Custom table prefix.
--filestring--Path to a local file with a SQL create table statement.
--nsstring--Attach a table to an ENS namespace (experimental feature).

Note that with --ns, it can only be used with the <schema> [prefix] directives.


In general, the response from a create statement includes the created table name, which the caller can use to make subsequent queries and updates.

Schema and prefix

Pass a SQL table schema and prefix to the create command.

tableland create "id int primary key, val text" --prefix "cli_demo_table"


"meta": {
"duration": 114.1470832824707,
"txn": {
"tableIds": ["2"],
"transactionHash": "0xd11386bac25ac28c86edd047acb3ea4e027853f0e980aa65664817584849f9d5",
"blockNumber": 317,
"chainId": 31337,
"tableId": "3",
"name": "cli_demo_table_31337_2",
"prefix": "cli_demo_table"
"success": true,
"results": [],
"link": ""

Create statement

Instead of passing a schema and prefix, you can specify this in a CREATE TABLE statement.

tableland create "CREATE TABLE cli_demo_table (id int primary key, val text)"


If you have a file that defines the CREATE TABLE statement, the file path can be passed. For example, let's say you have a .db file saved in some ./project path:

CREATE TABLE cli_demo_table (id int primary key, val text)

You can pass this to create without needing any other arguments or flags except --file.

tableland create --file "./project/create.db"

Adding a table to ENS namespace


ENS support is very experimental. Long term support is not gaurunteed.

You must specify the enableEnsExperiment flag, either in your .tablelandrc file or your flags. You must also specify an ensProviderUrl, which should use a provider for an ENS compatible testnet or mainnet.

To add a table to an ENS namespace while creating the table, you can specify the ns flag. You must also use the schema and prefix flags instead of using a full create statement.

tableland create "id integer, message text" --prefix "example" --ns ""


"meta": {
"duration": 128.64695739746094,
"txn": {
"tableId": "2",
"transactionHash": "0x9f51022ba7c82eba2a659d5a9000ba4c70b9f37de77ca299fb17c467d9659178",
"blockNumber": 13,
"chainId": 31337,
"wait": [AsyncFunction: wait],
"name": "example_31337_2",
"prefix": "example"
"success": true,
"results": [],
"link": "",
"ensNameRegistered": true

This allows you to then access the table by only referring to the ENS name such that the prefix is now a subdomain of the ENS name. See the namespace command for more details on how to add tables to ENS.

Using a table alias

A table alias mapping will automatically be created is the provided JSON filepath, and subsequent queries will use the alias mapping such that the full table name ({prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}) is not needed. For example, if you have a file tableland.aliases.json, running the following:

tableland create "id integer, message text" --prefix "example" --aliases "./tableland.aliases.json"

Will update /tableland.aliases.json:

"example": "example_31337_2"