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Vision & roadmap

The protocol is still being developed and progressively decentralized.

Tableland's inception came in late 2021. It's consistently growing in terms of the core protocol itself and development activity on top of the protocol, and there is still plenty in store in the coming months and years.


Be the composable data layer of the Internet.


Since our time as Textile, we’ve been excited to accelerate the exchange of information across society.

Harnessing the total value of digital information means creating systems that promote the exchange of data and information across borders and through time. It also means that we need networks and protocols that are as dynamic as we are, so that digital experiences can build, grow, and change with us.

Tableland sits on the frontier of web3. We’re exploring and experimenting with new ways to bring the dynamism of gaming, art, music, culture, and ultimately humanity, to a new vision of the web. We’re home to those who are in pursuit of that same vision, and we’re ready to support them with tools, resources, and rewards.

We’re here to build a new web. Together.

Protocol roadmap



  • Tableland protocol litepaper.
  • Studio web application MVP.
  • Arbitrum Nova support.
  • Filecoin (FVM) support.
  • Improved on-chain access control.
  • Decentralized validator metrics.
  • ENS table namespaces.
  • Zero downtime deployments.
  • Inclusion proof PoC.
  • Table configurations feature.
  • Local-first wasm based SQLite support.
  • Author a token reputation EIP.
  • Docs site content refresh & deployment.


  • Release new validator code with mainnet and testnet separation.
  • Release a versioned REST API, and drop support for JSON-RPC.
  • Release an upgraded JS SDK with Cloudflare D1 compatibility.
  • Release a new CLI with a local-first flow and shell support.
  • Update SQL specification to remove any non-deterministic SQLite, plus, new features.




  • The Pilot Program is launched for early adopters.
  • Release multi-chain validator support.
  • Release table JOINs and cross-chain table JOINs.
  • Release Tableland CLI.
  • Release Golang SDK.
  • Tableland Rigs mint in July.
  • The first external validators are onboarded to the network (interest sign-up).
  • Release SQLite backed validator.
  • Release custom SQL parser for Tableland’s SQL Specification.
  • Release smulti-transaction support.
  • The Tableland testnet protocol launches on Ethereum, Polygon, and Optimism mainnets.
  • Release TABLE NFT with dynamic rendering.
  • Release a technical engineering blog.


  • We announce Tableland Rigs, an NFT for the community of builders.
  • Release support for ERC721-based table ownership.
  • Release support for SQL privileges (GRANT and REVOKE).
  • Release support for table access control Policies.
  • Release Javascript SDK.
  • The Tableland protocol launches on Ethereum Goerli, Polygon Mumbai, Optimism Kovan.


  • Announce the Tableland project at EthDenver! Come say hello at our booth. We’ll be hosting a workshop and giving a talk about Tableland.
  • Allow partners and EthDenver hackers to explore Tableland using the Gateway.
  • We kick off Workshop, Town Hall, and Interview Series.



  • Tableland conception!

Tableland Rigs



  • Metadata updates extension (EIP-4906) to trigger marketplaces to fetch dynamic changes.
  • Filecoin backed assets / metadata.
  • Tableland-based voting in the Garage.
  • Support for earning Flight Time (FT) from off-chain actions.
  • Show FT for Rigs holders as Discord badges.


  • First Flight Time Rewards (FTRs) for holders.
  • Enhance Garage web app with badges and additional functionality.



  • Release a Rigs Garage web app that allows owners to train and park their Rigs.
  • Release custom piloting in The Garage where owners can pilot their Rig with any EC721 token.
  • Enhance the Rigs Garage web app with Rigs statistics (# pilots, pilot history, etc.).
  • Release an upgraded Rigs NFT with animation_url showing the current pilot and flight status.
  • Create the Rigs Pilots smart contract mechanics for The Garage & measuring Flight Time.
  • Refactor and streamline Rigs infrastructure.


  • Explainer on Rigs layers, tables, and composability.
  • Open source Rigs.


  • Rigs conception!