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An overview of using Ethereum with Tableland.

Ethereum and its EVM is what drives Tableland's approach for chain compatibility. With its data and network hardness, it's a great case for many projects, but not all use cases can occur here due to cost and throughput constraints.


Ethereum is the most popular and secure smart contract blockchain. All L2 solutions are built on top of Ethereum and run its virtual machine, called the EVM. Transaction costs are much higher on Ethereum and take longer to get included in a block, so many applications use L2s, depending on the use case.

Because of its security, data can be viewed as more valuable on this chain. A highly secure, battle-tested environment translates to greater reliability, so applications may choose to pay a premium for this. Thus, deploying tables here is best used in higher value use cases and/or if on-chain access controls specific to Ethereum are needed (e.g., verifying ownership of an Ethereum-based NFT).

Setup & resources

Ethereum (mainnet)

Sepolia (testnet)

Getting testnet funds

  1. Request testnet Ether from a faucet noted above (e.g., here or here).
  2. Move the ETH from Ethereum to Optimism at—i.e., select "ETH" or any other ERC20 tokens that exist on Ethereum Goerli that can be bridged.