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Using a local chain

An overview of using a Hardhat node and a local Tableland instance.

Developing locally should happen as a step prior to deploying to any testnet and/or mainnet. Developers can use Local Tableland to accomplish this, which spins up a Hardhat node for a local Tableland node to use.


Local development helps streamline the engineering process through quick iteration and testing. A local node, such as one provided by Hardhat, can be used with any of the Tableland clients (SDK, CLI, REST API, smart contracts).


Check out the page about Local Tableland to understand how to set up a local-only environment with both a local Hardhat and Tableland node.

Local node

  • Average block time: configurable
  • Chain ID: 31337
  • Symbol: ETH
  • RPC URL: http://localhost:8545
  • Tableland contract address: 0xe7f1725e7734ce288f8367e1bb143e90bb3f0512
  • SDK network name: local-tableland
  • Tableland gateway: http://localhost:8080/api/v1