JETI Extension
Use IPFS for Tableland data
JavaScript Extension for Tableland Integrations
Using JETI JETI (JavaScript Extension for Tableland Integrations) allows you to easily transform data you are submitting to and querying from tableland.
1. Installation
First, install the JETI package using npm or yarn:
npm i @tableland/jeti @tableland/sdk
2. Import the necessary modules from @tableland/sdk and @tableland/jeti:
import { Database } from "@tableland/sdk";
import { createProcessor } from "@tableland/jeti";
3. Initialize the Database and table
Create a new instance of the Database class using the Tableland JavaScript SDK and create a table. Create a new table using the prepare and run methods. Specify a prefix for your table directly in the CREATE TABLE statement:
const db = new Database();
const { meta: create } = await db
`CREATE TABLE my_sdk_table (id integer primary key, name text, avatar_cid text);`
// The table's `name` is in the format `{prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}`
console.log(create.txn?.name); // e.g., my_sdk_table_80001_311
Built in processes
Here are a few built in proceses for ways you can transform and resolve data.
Pin to IPFS
JETI requires you to have an IPFS node running locally on port 5001, and to have a remote pinning service configured. This is because the point of JETI is to pin your IPFS files when they go to Tableland. It can be tricky.
More on remote pinning services can be found here.
import { pinToLocal, skip } from '@tableland/jeti';
const contentToPin = "Content To Pin";
const sql = pinToLocal`insert into ${skip(tableName)} (message) values ('${contentToPin}');`;
// Later
const results = await db.prepare(`select * from ${tableName}`, [message]).all();
const resultsWithCIDsResolved = await ipfs.resolve(results);
Symetrically Encrypt
Please note: be careful with encryption. This encryption function is simple and purely symetric. Probably not suitable for most use cases.
This one is a little trickier, because you have to specify your key.
import { symetricEncrpt, skip } from '@tableland/jeti';
const tableName = "table_31337_1";
const message = "Hello world";
// Note the use of the "skip" function. This ensure this value is not processed, but used as-is
const sql = symetricEncrpyt("my-symetric-key")`INSERT INTO ${skip(tableName)} (message) values ('${message}')`;
// INSERT INTO table_31337_1 (message) values ('U2FsdGVkXMOREGIBBIRISH');
To fetch the message, you would simply resolve it:
const originalResult = db.prepare('select id, message message from table_31337_1').all();
// [
// {
// id: 0,
// message: "U2FsdGVkXMOREGIBBIRISH"
// }
// ];
const newResult = symetricEncrypt("my-symetric-key").resolve(originalResult, ['message']);
// [
// {
// id: 0,
// message: "Hello world"
// }
// ];
The truncate function isn't recommended, because it will lose data. If you're find with that, then go ahead and use it. Otherwise, avoid.
import { truncate } from '@tableland/jeti';
const message = "This is a really, really long string that I want to truncate to a mere 20 characters";
const sql = await truncate`INSERT INTO test_table_31337_1 message values ('${message}')`;
// INSERT INTO test_table_31337_1 message values ('This is a really, re')
There is no resolve
function for truncate.
Create your own process
Here's the exiting part; you can create your own process! Let's imagine you wanted to pin something to IPFS, however, you weren't using the standard pinning API, but a proprietary API. That's fine!
import { createProcessor } from "@tableland/jeti";
import { ipfsPin, ipfsFetch } from "some-custom-ipfs-lib";
const ipfs = createProcessor(ipfsPin, ipfsFetch);
const db = new Database();
const message = getFile();
const image = getImage();
const query = await ipfs`
INTO MyTable_31337_1
(id, message, image)
The result will look approximately like this:
INSERT INTO MyTable_31337_1
(id, message, image)
But wait, wait, there's more!
Great, we can get this data into tableland and IPFS, but what about getting it out? That's where the resolve
function comes in.
const originalResultSet = db.prepare.all("SELECT * FROM MyTable");
const resolveResponseSet = ipfs.resolve(
["message", "image"] // This tells it to only attempt to resolve these columns.
// Result
id: 0,
message: // Your message
image: // Your image