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Table subscriptions

Register a listener to receive changes to a table.

There are times when you'd like to listen to table interactions, whether that's table writes, table ownership transfers, or controller ACL alterations. Subscriptions allow developers to stay up-to-date on any data changes in order to perform subsequent logic or processing from the events.


In order to use subscriptions, you must first create a Database instance (a signer param is required) and then instantiate a Registry instance. From there, you can start listening to the Tableland registry contract for events that are associated with a given table using a TableEventBus, located in the SDK's helpers module.

The TableEventBus provides an addListener method to start listening for a single table's events. A listener can only subscribe to one event type at a time for a table, but you can set up as many listeners as needed, based on your development environment. This includes three possibilities, passed to the on method of the listener:

  • change: Any table data changes upon writing to the table.
  • set-controller: Change of the table's access controller address.
  • transfer: Change of ownership for a table.

There also exists an addTableIterator wrapper that returns an async iterable (e.g., used with a for await ... of pattern). Once a listener is set up, the removeListener or removeAllListeners methods allow you to stop listening for events.


To get started, you'll need to import the Database and TableEventBus, instantiate them, and then add a listener to the event bus:

import { Database } from "@tableland/sdk";
import { TableEventBus } from "@tableland/sdk/helpers";

// Configure a `signer` to then pass to the `Database` instance

const db = new Database({ signer });
const eventBus = new TableEventBus(db.config);
const listener = await eventBus.addListener(`{prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}`); // Replace with your table name

Table changes

Table writes can be subscribed to using the change event type. Once the listener is set up, you can perform logic based on the event data and later remove the listener when you're done.

listener.on("change", (event) => {
// Perform logic here

The data returned from the event is an object with the table ID, transaction hash, block number, and chain ID—such as the following:

"tableId": "2",
"transactionHash": "0x8e1e840223d48834fac452660131d5fc3a31961d6d58828d1bb0a18b4f71a012",
"blockNumber": 15,
"chainId": 31337

Controller changes

The set-controller event type allows you to subscribe to change to the table's access controller. The data returned from the event is what's included in a standard on-chain event log, such as the block number/hash, transaction index/arguments, event name/signature, etc.

listener.on("set-controller", function (event) {
// Perform logic here

Table transfers

With an event type of transfer, you can listen to table ownership changes.

listener.on("transfer", function (event) {
// Perform logic here

The data returned from the event also includes standard on-chain event log information.

Removing listeners

There are two ways to remove listeners:

  • removeListener: Stop listening for events for a specific chainId and tableName
  • removeAllListeners: Remove all listeners altogether.

The following shows how to remove a single listener:

listener.on("change", (event) => {
// Perform logic here
eventBus.removeListener({ chainId: 31337, tableId: 2 }); // Remove the listener for a specific case

To remove all listeners, it might look like the following:

listener.on("change", (event) => {
// Perform logic here
eventBus.removeAllListeners(); // Remove all listeners upon completion

Note that removing the listener works for all event types, not just change, as demonstrated above.