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ORM support

Simplify working with data and writing SQL statements using an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool.

Since Tableland supports Cloudflare’s D1Database interface, this means there is also support for an ORM is possible via d1-orm. Here’s a quick example of creating, updating, and querying a table via a Model object:

import {
type Infer,
} from "d1-orm";
import { Database } from "@tableland/sdk";

const db = new Database({ autoWait: true });
const orm = new D1Orm(db);

const users = new Model(
D1Orm: orm,
tableName: "users",
primaryKeys: "id",
uniqueKeys: [["email"]],
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
notNull: true,
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
notNull: true,
email: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
type User = Infer<typeof users>;

const { meta: create } = await users.CreateTable({
strategy: "default",

// Slight temporary hack
(users.tableName as any) =;

await users.InsertOne({
name: "Bobby Tables",
email: "",

const { results } = await users.All({
where: { name: "Bobby Tables" },
limit: 1,
offset: 0,
orderBy: ["id"],

Additional integrations provide some client-side safety for injecting table names, query parameters, and more via prepared statement syntax. While you don’t need @databases/sql to leverage prepared statements with the Tableland SDK, it does provide some nice methods for working with raw SQL strings.

import sql, { FormatConfig } from "@databases/sql";
import { escapeSQLiteIdentifier } from "@databases/escape-identifier";
import { Database } from "@tableland/sdk";

// See
const sqliteFormat: FormatConfig = {
escapeIdentifier: (str) => escapeSQLiteIdentifier(str),
formatValue: (value) => ({ placeholder: "?", value }),

// First, we'll test out using sql identifiers
const primaryKey = sql.ident("id");
const query = sql`CREATE TABLE test_sql (${primaryKey} integer primary key, counter integer, info text);`;
const { text, values } = query.format(sqliteFormat);
const { meta } = await db.prepare(text).bind(values).run();
const { name } = await meta.txn.wait();
console.log(`Created table ${name}`);